is a marketing company that uses text message marketing to go direct to the consumer. The are obviously building geo-targeted lists where advertisers can come in and advertise their product or service without having to build their list on their own or do not have the time or patience to learn how to use text message marketing.
The ingenious part to this is is paying their subscribers to build the list for them through a network marketing model. For the NON-BELIEVERS of network marketing, you can stop reading now. For the Believers or the interested parties, this is a fantastic opportunity just to earn income from what you're already doing 20 times a day. Checking & sending text messages! Really!!!!???? FREE $$$
As with twitter and other social media platforms, people are always searching and looking for easy ways to make money on-line. Especially in this economy. Most marketers have probably heard of Magpie, Sponsored Tweets, or Revtweets where people are paid per click or sale on the ad that is posted to their twitter account(s).
These advertisements range in the amount one can be paid for joining these ad networks and there also dependent on how many followers you have to whether your signed up as a pro or basic affiliate.
As a marketing enthusiast I have learned to keep my options open to "value." It doesn't necessary matter the industry, but the way I personally look at it. If I'm already doing, using, or have a way to leverage what I'm already doing or using and it's at a great price, in this case FREE. Then I look at it and say, "it's worth a try! What do I have to lose (besides time of course)." Others hold no value in FREE and that's fine too.
So when my buddy Norm sent me an e-mail a while back about earning $ to simply look at roughly 5 texts a day I really thought to myself that this could be just another time waster. When I actually signed up and got the e-mail and watched the video I was pretty shocked when I started to do the math.
Most people, or I should say most negative people will look at it and say to themselves 'another one of those things' before they even learn a single thing about it or how it works. Admittedly, I really didn't need another thing on my plate.
When Robert Kiyosaki published The Business of the 21st Century, I was already confident that network marketing was going to grow by leaps and bounds. But I had NO idea of the places where I was going to see the industry grow by leaps and bounds. Just when I think I have seen everything Network Marketing has to offer, I'm surprised yet again by what turns up. is a marketing company that uses text message marketing to go direct to the consumer. The are obviously building geo-targeted lists where advertisers can come in and advertise their product or service without having to build their list on their own or do not have the time or patience to learn how to use text message marketing.
The ingenious part to this is is paying their subscribers to build the list for them through a network marketing model. This is a huge opportunity for those who looking to add a few hundred dollars a month to their income! For the NON-BELIEVERS of network marketing, you can stop reading now. For the Believers or the interested parties, this is a fantastic opportunity just to earn income from what you're already doing 20 times a day. Checking & sending text messages! Really!!!!???? FREE $$$
Here is your twitter tip Tuesday text the phrase cashtexts 4241 to the number 69302
Now, you wont be making it rain over night. But here's an opportunity for the interested to really go out & put network marketing to the test w/out any fear of rejection. Here's what I suggest. Make 1000 cards with your text # here info about FREE $ opportunity and see all the negative Nancy's of the world turn down another opportunity while they text their friends about another scam they just saw. WHile you slowly build another income stream straight to your bank account!
I have already been singing the praises of the book Get Rich Click by Marc Ostrofsky. He has his own page on this blog :) In the book he says it's no longer a word of mouth society. He calls it a "world of mouse" society (ain't that the TRUTH!!).There is clearly NO SHORTAGE of opportunities out there to bring in additional income streams. Also in the book he goes to explain how mobile is one of the industries that has UNLIMITED growth potential. I threw that in because you won't believe me if I told you. Network marketing is a bonafide income stream and business model that has been around for over 100 years! Here's your opportunity to give it a chance... FREE of charge to read & send cash texts! It's as simple as that!
Text the phrase cashtexts 4241 to the number 69302 and follow or just scan the QR code.
Danny Fortes realizes the POWER and potential of text message marketing. He also LOVES connecting with new #tweeps!
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